Given the current Coronavirus situation with social distancing now the norm, it seems to be the perfect time to make sure everyone knows I offer online paint color consultations. Normally, when someone calls for a color consultation, I go to their home with fan decks, several notebooks full of large color samples, deck stain charts, gutter samples, roof palettes, etc. But these are not normal times, are they? Image Credit: WKRN So, now … [Read more...]
The Grandest Great Room
The grandest great room or the greatest grand room? You decide. In April of last year I got a call from Kathy in Johns Creek who needed help. It seems she noticed a snag or two in the window treatments in her keeping room which made her wonder if she needed to have new ones made. But that presented a problem. This particular fabric, which was in a number of rooms in this huge home, closely blended to the tannish brown wall color, which was … [Read more...]
Adding “Color Consultant” To Your List of Services
Are you a decorator, designer, home stager, painter or professional organizer needing to add to your list of services? Read on. It was in the summer of 2007 that I was trained as a home stager and hung out my shingle. How exciting, right? Not quite. For some reason I thought all you had to do to bring in business was to tell people what you did and they would come running. Nothing could've been further from the truth. Yes, I did have … [Read more...]
Trending Atlanta Exteriors 2018
If you have been wondering what's trending in Atlanta exteriors, you've come to the right place. You may be asking yourself, "Is white still in?" The answer is YES -- both inside and out. It was a couple of years ago -- in the fall of 2016 -- that four major paint companies all came out with whites as their "Color of the Year." Credit They were right on track, as whites have been all the rage ever since -- white kitchens, white … [Read more...]
Everybody Loves Sea Salt
Speaking of Sea Salt..... A few weeks ago I received this email: Patsy, after reading blog after blog with people raving about BM Revere Pewter, I decided I would paint my entry, family room and the two short hallways in my little ranch home. I hired a painter for this Saturday. Then I opened my little sample can and painted swaths of this color in various places. Mud. Ugh. It isn't bad when bright daylight is streaming in but when the lights … [Read more...]