Several months ago I was contacted by a homeowner looking for an Atlanta color consultant. (He actually found me on Twitter! Another social media success story.) He needed to have the exterior of his house painted but wasn't sure which colors to go with. In the photo below you can see that the original colors for both siding and trim were a creamy yellow: This well maintained 50's ranch is as pretty as a picture, but needs a stronger … [Read more...]
What’s Redesign All About?
In addition to being an Atlanta color consultant, decorator and home stager, from time to time I get calls for redesign services, but I find that many people still do not understand the term. To define "redesign," it is essentially using what you already have in your home, but repositioning furnishings to give the space a fresh look. Theodore Roosevelt said, "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have." Was he our first redesigner? In … [Read more...]
Patsy, John & Newt???
Just for fun, I thought you might get a kick out of seeing a photo that was taken about 15 years ago when my son was a student at Suwanee Elementary School. Back in the day I chaired the PTA Scrapbook Committee and, therefore, had a good bit of clout at the school. :) See if you recognize any faces below: Yes, Newt stopped by for a photo while my son, John, didn't see anything special in the moment and continued to eat his ice cream … [Read more...]
Can’t Decide On Paint Colors? You’re Not Alone
Last weekend I met with the sweetest couple. They had just purchased a new home and were looking to put their own stamp on it. The problem? They couldn't make a decision on a color palette. As I walked into the family room and glanced at the wall, I had to smile. Here is what I saw: Please notice the seven different color samples painted on the wall. As an Atlanta color consultant I see this sort of thing on a regular (almost daily) … [Read more...]
Atlanta Home Staging – The Enclave
Several months ago I was called on for an Atlanta home staging job in The Enclave. On my first trip down I saw the home was filled with furniture from three households. As the homeowners were in the process of moving, all I did initially was to perform a color consultation and tag furnishings I wanted them to leave behind thinking we might be able to use certain items for staging purposes. There was much work to be done once the homeowners … [Read more...]