If you have been following me for any time at all you know there is nothing that puts a smile on my face like painted brick and, apparently, I’m not the only one. Take a look at these happy homeowners anticipating the transformation of their home by painting the brick.
Yes, this is what Bill and Amy, Alpharetta homeowners, looked like when I saw them last month. And here is what the home looked like when I arrived.
Believe it or not, painted brick color consultations are among the most difficult. Do you know why? Everything is changing but the roof. However, on this fateful day I didn’t even have that to work from, as the roof was changing, too! So, step #1 was to decide on the new roof palette. Fortunately, I always have several in my car.
This would be a good time for me to mention several items I hope your color consultant has in her bag of tricks:
- paint fan decks (hopefully, that’s a given)
- large (8 1/2 x 11″) color samples
- a form to write up everything for your painter
- leave behind color chips
- white boards
- stain charts
- gutter samples
- roofing palettes
If your color consultant doesn’t have these tools, RUN!!!!! I will write a blog post soon on why these items are crucial, but for now let’s get back to the matter at hand.
Amy & Bill decided to go with the Weathered Wood (Landmark) roof, which is the palette showing in the photo above. As you can see, it contains a good bit of brown. They also selected Musket Brown (Spectra) for their gutters and downspouts, which let me know we needed to go with warm hues for the house color. So we began our search.
After looking at several color families and sampling them against the roof palette and gutters, we decided on Accessible Beige SW7036 for the body of the house and Moth Wing SW9174 for the trim. (These are Sherwin-Williams colors.)
On the day the painting began, Amy texted me an “in process” photo saying, once again, “We are sooooo excited!!!!” Here it is.
Are you ready for the big reveal? Feast your eyes….
If you are not happy with your brick (and some are prettier than others), then think about painting it. As this picture demonstrates, it will completely transform your home. The trick is finding the right color to work with your fixed elements, assuming your home has some : ) Thank you, Amy & Bill, for allowing me to showcase your home here. I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the results. I am, too. Who is next?