So you know that everything in home interiors and exteriors is going light, bright and white, right? It's also going that way on commercial properties. There is a new bank up the street from my home that is stark white with black accents -- totally on trend. Today I am going to share with you several recent exterior transformations that run with that theme. Ready? First, I worked with Bob & Kim in Suwanee. My friends at Bear … [Read more...]
Chip’s Remarkable Exterior Transformation
I never tire of remarkable exterior transformations, and this one is a doozie. It was back in January that I met Chip and Tim. I was there to provide a paint color consultation for their upcoming work with their painting company. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of what the house looked like when I was there that day. As I recall, ice and snow covered the ground from a recent Atlanta snow storm, so we spent as little time as possible … [Read more...]
Carol’s Lake Cottage Gets an Update
When Carol called for help with her lake cottage, I was ready to go. I've been working with Carol for 4-5 years. When she first contacted me it was for color/staging help with her Alpharetta home, which she and her husband were about to put on the market. (An interesting side note: her Alpharetta neighbor was one of the Back Street Boys! I diligently looked for him the day I was there, but to no avail. All that wrought iron railing was … [Read more...]
Painted Brick Done Right
If you have been following me for any time at all you know there is nothing that puts a smile on my face like painted brick and, apparently, I'm not the only one. Take a look at these happy homeowners anticipating the transformation of their home by painting the brick. Yes, this is what Bill and Amy, Alpharetta homeowners, looked like when I saw them last month. And here is what the home looked like when I arrived. Believe it or not, … [Read more...]
Sylvia Rocks Black Fox
The minute I stepped into Sylvia's home last March, I knew I was in for a treat. I saw immediately that the woman had an eye for design and was not afraid of color -- my dream client : ) I first noticed that her walls inside were a deep gray. Most people are not daring enough to go with color that rich throughout their home, but Sylvia was up for it. She also had lots of captivating, original artwork. As we began to talk she shared with me … [Read more...]